Leave a meaningful Gift in Will for future generations
We understand and respect that family comes first when it comes to considering your Will, but it is also a great opportunity to make a lasting impact.
By including a gift to the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation (CLCRF) in your Will, you can help us ensure the ground-breaking research into childhood cancer can continue for many years to come, bringing hope to all children battling the gruelling disease.
Anyone can leave a Gift in Will, however large or small, and it is a relatively quick and easy process. You can leave money, property or a percentage of your estate after your death; and with it your stamp on the future.
Making a Gift in Will allows you to support your favourite cause, or causes, beyond your lifetime and it ensures that there is a legal document outlining your wishes. This should give you the peace of mind that you are not only planning ahead for those you care for, but you will also be generously helping an important cause in the future.
As the Foundation does not receive State or Federal funding, we rely on the generous support of the community to help us in our commitment to see future generations live cancer free.
For further information or to advise us that you have included Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation in your Will – in the strictest confidence – please contact us on 9363 7400 or email [email protected].
You can also download a copy of our Bequest pamphlet for more information.